
Heartbeat Post

  So, it's December 2023, and I figured I should do something to keep this blog alive in case I ever want to do something with it. Like, for instance, post some AI-Generated content.  Hmm . . . not a fan of the interface for inserting images, nor of how they display. I'm sure there's some stuff I could do to improve how the images are presented, but it's not obvious to me. Choosing a font size is also awkward . . . It would be nice if the interface was WYSIWYG, but it's not.  Oh well.  Let me add a few more images . . .   Eh, it's not the best format for a post, but then, I'm basically running on default mode. Perhaps there's a lot of hidden switches that would allow me to customize all sorts of stuff. . . . if only I were motivated to find them . . .  ttfn
I figured I should have at least one post here . . . and it's on me that I've neglected this space for more than ten years (eleven year and a bit more).  In my defense, I have more than 3,000 posts in my blog-of-choice ( HERE ).  Honest, I'd forgotten about this space and it was only upon seeing the Avatar for this blog in a comment I left that I said to myself: "Hey, self; do you think that blog you set up is still there?" And, of course, it was. So, I updated a few things and I now need a post so that I can see what it looks like once published.  Oh, I almost forgot! I need a photo or two and maybe even a video to see how it works. Hmm . . . not as much control as with WordPress and also no automatic resizing to fit the available canvas. That could be a pain. Also  pain to have it open in a different window or tab. I'll have to see how it shows when clicked. Yes, it's from 2014 . . . I just grabbed something at random. Let's see about videos. First,